Come and Worship with Us!

Sunday mornings at 10 a.m.

Join us for coffee and fellowship following service


You heard it through the Grace-Line for the month of July 2024

 Important Information for All: 

Please do not wear/use fragrances before you come to Grace. We have a number of people who are severely allergic/sensitive to scents and we need to make sure that Grace is a safe space for all.

Sunday service at 10:00 am.
Grace invites all to gather together in the building or online for worship.
If you prefer to worship online, service is available both live streamed and recorded on the

 Grace United Church YouTube Channel

Calendar for the month:

Tuesday July 9th:
• Singing Strings 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
• W4 (Formally UCW) meeting 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Wednesday July 10th:
• Men’s Breakfast @ Harvest Table 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM
• Charity Stitchers 9:00AM

Thursday July 11th:
• Coffee Time Outside 1:00 PM
All are invited to drop by and say HI!

Tuesday July 16th:
• Singing Strings 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Wednesday July 17th:
• Charity Stitchers 9:00AM

Thursday July 18th:
• Coffee Time Outside 1:00 PM
All are invited to drop by and say HI!


Monday July 22nd:
• Singing Strings 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Wednesday July 24th:
• Men’s Breakfast @ Harvest Table 8:30 AM – 10:30 AM
• Charity Stitchers 9:00AM

Thursday July 25th:
• Coffee Time Outside 1:00 PM
All are invited to drop by and say HI!


Tuesday July 30th:
• Singing Strings 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Wednesday July 31st:
• Charity Stitchers 9:00AM

Thursday August 1st:
• Coffee Time Outside 1:00 PM
All are invited to drop by and say HI!


What is the Ministry of Care?

Each week Richard announces that the Ministry of Care asks folk to list their names on the Communication Sheets, but who is the Ministry of Care and what is its function?

The Ministry of Care is an umbrella-like component of Grace under which fall Care Network at Grace (CN@G), Prayer Chain, Prayer Shawl Ministry, Prayer Wall, Funerals and Welcoming. The Co-Ordinator of the Ministry of Care is Sue Stephen. One of the groups under the Umbrella of Care is the Funeral team.

Preparing for a funeral and dealing with the death of one we love is a difficult time. A community of faith can be an important support in the grieving process and in planning the funeral service. It reminds us that we are not alone, and that we have companions with us on the journey. It is an opportunity to call upon God to give us strength and courage.

Grace United Church is here to support you and your family, as you make arrangements to celebrate the life of a loved one. A funeral, celebration of life or memorial is a service of worship in which we give thanks for the life of a loved one while we grieve our loss.

Drawing on our faith we are empowered by our hope of resurrection, which enables us to face death, offer thanksgiving for the gift of life, and celebrate our Christian hope.

We offer this information in the spirit of respect and cooperation. In being clear about what we can offer, our traditions and our expectations, we can make the preparations for funerals and memorials at the church easier for your family.

To learn more about the Funeral team and the support we offer please visit our page on the church website

As well…

The Welcoming team is a group that falls under the Umbrella of Care. This group works to make sure that each and every person who visits Grace understands that we are so glad they joined us for service that week. at Grace is also under the Umbrella of Care.

We can be found at the Welcome Table each Sunday before and after serviceLook for someone wearing our button on their lanyard and we are happy to chat with you about Grace and how you can get more involved in the work of the church and are there to answer your questions or direct you to someone who can help you.

Your Summer Challenge:

Have you noticed that people have various buttons on their name tag lanyards and you wonder what they are for. These buttons signify membership in various groups/committees at Grace. So next time you are at Coffee time, ask someone what their buttons mean and learn more about the work of the church.

We seem to be missing tablecloths!

If you, or anyone you know has borrowed black tablecloths from the church, we kindly ask that you return them in the condition that (or better than) you found them! We would love to be able to use these again! Please message the office if you need any clarification!

News for the Week:

11th Annual Backpack Program 2024:

For those that may know, the 2024 Backpack Project is back this year and the outreach team is looking for your help. This event allows for families to come to the church and receive backpacks and school supplies in order to be ready for the start of the school season!  For more information, please reach out to our outreach committee

We have received registrations for close to 100 children to date. Last year, we provided backpacks and grade appropriate school supplies to 120+ children whose families otherwise might find it difficult to obtain them. We will distribute the backpacks and supplies in August. If you would like to help out, donations can be made by e-transfer by using as the “to” email address. Please indicate Backpack program in the message line.

Candy Cane Traditions:

It’s that time of year again!

Candy Cane Traditions, the annual church fundraising bazaar, which will be held on Sat. Nov. 2, 2024, is organized by W4. That said, much like it takes a village to raise a child – it takes the whole Grace community to it make it a success. One of our most successful areas is Granny’s Attic. Gently used household items such as glassware, plates, small appliances, Christmas decor, jewelry etc. are all favourites. If you’re planning a cleaning / sorting spree of your home, please consider what you might like to contribute.

Jewelry – is always a big seller. Those organizing Granny’s Attic would appreciate these items as soon as possible. It takes a long time to price! Watch for the donation box coming to the back of the sanctuary. It will be available over the summer. See Sharon Allchin or Mary Ruth Crabb anytime for more information.

Christmas items. This too, is a favourite area for our shoppers. If you have any gently used Christmas items, please speak to Barb McKeown. She is willing and able to store those unwanted decorations. So do your cleaning now!

Mary Ruth, Barb McKeown and Donna Lelievre have kindly offered to store any other items that you believe would be suitable for Granny’s Attic. So….

The Jar Room is another popular area. Please, remember to fill those jars with new items only. Last year we raised $975.00 on our $5.00 jars. Let’s aim to break the $1,000 mark!

The Bake Table is also a favourite. There will be an opportunity for you to contribute to this area in the fall. In the meantime, if you do any type of preserves, we ask you to consider doing an extra jar or two for the bazaar.

Lastly, we are considering hosting a Grace Artisan Table. Whether you sew, knit, crochet, do woodworking, painting or any other craft, all items would be appreciated. If you have a skill and would like to contribute, please advise Carol Boyle ( of your intention to donate a few items. Watch for more announcements to come as we get closer to November, so stay tuned.



Whale Cove:

Once again, this year, St Raphael Catholic Church will be supporting the Indigenous Community of Whale Cove by shipping containers of supplies to them. Whale Cove is a Nunavut community of just over 400 people located on the western shore of Hudson’s Bay above the tree line.

There are no roads in or out so food is very expensive. To support this initiative, this year they have asked if Grace could provide 4 food items – toothpaste (adults), canned fruit, pasta sauce and soups with dating in 2025 or beyond. They need our donations by the end of August as the next container will be packed and shipped in September. Every Friday during Food for Life (830am-10am) your donations can be dropped off at Grace United Church. There will be labeled bins available away from the Food for Life activity. Otherwise, the labelled bins will be inside the front door.

Book Club at GRACE

Book Club @ GRACE (Great Reads Always Captivate Everyone) is open to everyone who belongs to, or worships with Grace United Church, Burlington. We meet on the fourth Monday of every month (Sept – June, except December) at 7 pm, either in person or on zoom. You’re welcome to come to any meeting if you’re interested in talking about the book for that month. Each month we rate the book we discuss, and by May we have a winner to recommend to the congregation. The winner for the 2023- 24 season was Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt. In June, we select the 8 books for the next year. If are looking for summer reading, here are the books we’ll be discussing in the coming year:

Sept. 24 The Women by Kristin Hanna

Oct 28 The Little Wartime Library by Kate Thompson

Nov 25 By Her Own Design by Piper Huguley

Jan 27 The Rose Code by Kate Quinn

Feb 24 Lula Dean’s Little Library of Banned Books by Kirsten Miller

March 24 Miss Morgan’s Book Brigade Janet Skeslien Charles

Apr. 28 Learned by Heart by Emma Donoghue

May 25 The Secret Keeper by Genevieve Graham

Happy Reading!!


A Challenge from the Communications Team

The Communications team would like to thank all of who follow Grace United Church Burlington on FaceBook or Instagram.
If you are one of our 221 followers on FaceBook or one of the 256 followers on Instagram we would like to ask you to make the bold step to “like/share/comment” when Grace posts any information. When you react to one of our posts this moves Grace up in the world of algorithms which help Grace’s message get out to more people.
Please make the statement to all of your followers that you are a part of the Grace family and that you want to spread the Good News of Grace.


Questions About Grace?

Do you have questions about Grace or some of the Grace groups, but don’t know how to contact them? Here are some email addresses you might find helpful.

Property Committee:

Prayer Request:

Care Network/Prayer Shawl Requests:


Financial Givings/Donation Steward:

GPS Team:

Education and Advisory Committee: (EAC) and formerly known as Affirming:

Worship Committee:


We would like to remind everyone that Grace has two ways to improve your worship experience if you are hearing impaired.

1) Grace has personal FM receivers that you can place over your ear
2) If your hearing aid has a t-coil setting you can sit in the pew in front of the sound booth, which is set up with a hearing loop. You need to be able to switch your hearing device to the t-coil setting.

Please come to the sound booth at least 10 minutes before service if you require hearing assistance to allow the team to set you up.









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Our mailing address is:
2111 Walkers Line, Burlington ON L7M 0Z2

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