
The role of the Property Committee is multi-faceted in nature.
Co-Chairs: Kathryn Munn and Bob England
To contact us please email
Property is responsible for overseeing the daily, seasonal, and annual maintenance of the church building and outside grounds, including coordination with building contractors/consultants (e.g., annual fire safety testing, etc.). The regular cleaning of the building is undertaken by custodial staff. Other regular maintenance works are undertaken by small groups of Property Committee and affiliated volunteers (e.g., seasonal snow shovelling and lawn cutting/garden upkeep). Other occasions will involve the wider congregation members to assist with particular projects (e.g., painting).
The Property Committee recommends a budget to the Financial Committee for inclusion in the annual church budget. It is also responsible to research and recommend needed capital improvements to the building and surrounding property on an annual basis and make recommendations to the Endowment Fund Committee (e.g., roof repair/replacement), including liaising with the insurance company, as required. The same is true for longer-term forecasting, (e.g., five-year plan).
Finally, in consultation with and support to the church administrator, Property Committee oversees the needs of the facility users, including renters/tenants (e.g., opening and closing, event set up and take down, etc.).