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Sunday mornings at 10 a.m.

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New Testament in a Year

For 2012 Tansley is offering a bible study program on the website. We hope you will consider taking up the challenge to expand your faith and participate in this program. What is great about it is that it is self directed, so you can move through at your own pace and at a time which is convenient to you. Through colour changes on the links, the web page will keep track of your progress. Read your own bible, or follow the links to read on-line. You can quickly use the “NIV bible” link in the right column of the home page to get to the weekly readings.

For us who are seeking to follow Jesus, the New Testament writings are the primary documents we need. From the earliest decades of the Christian movement, the Holy Spirit has led people as they wrote, collected and preserved them. They are a great treasure. Yes, they are the indispensable source of information about the early Church. Much more, these writing, diverse in their authorship, style, occasion and perspective, all bear witness to fullness of Jesus Christ.

This series of guides is simply a tool to help you read the New Testament. Its writers hope it will help you. It will only serve its purpose though if it leads you deeper into the Bible. May the Holy Spirit, who always points us to Jesus, use this for your blessing and to the glory of God.
Each week you will read 5 chapters. The guide runs Monday to Friday. This leaves you the weekend off, or as time to catch up.

Some guides include an introduction by the writer. Others have some general questions to consider.

Please make a commitment to yourself and your faith and join this program.