Note from Ministry and Personnel
On July 1, 2019, Grace United Church became a new congregation of The United Church of Canada. We have been very fortunate to have had excellent ministerial leadership throughout that time: Rev. Barbara Morisson (July 2019), Rev. Helen Prior (Aug. 2018 to June 2022), Rev. Dale Burkart (July to November 2022), and Rev. Dr. Richard Bott (Dec. 2022 to present).
Each of our ministers has brought their own gifts, skills, abilities, and styles, to their leadership in worship and in the rest of the community of faith. We look forward to seeing where that leadership will help us go into the future.
How to Contact Rev. Richard Bott (he/him)
Richard works from the church office, Sunday through Thursday, usually 9am to 5pm, with the possibility of appointments in some evenings. His door will be open most of the time, so, if it is, drop in and chat. (If it’s closed, it means that he is either with someone or working on something that he’d appreciate not having interrupted.)
There are a few ways to set an appointment with him. The best way to do it is by going to https://calendly.com/richard-bott. There you can choose the length of the meeting; whether you’d like to meet by phone, online, or in-person; and which times Richard has available in his calendar. Using this process drops your appointment with him right into his work schedule! You can also set a meeting time with him through the office (office@graceunitedchurchburlington.com or (905)335-0090) or by emailing him directly (minister@graceunitedchurchburlington.com).

Michael Mulrooney
Music Director
Michael has a wealth of musical experience, including 30 years as church organist and choir director. He also teaches in Sheridan College’s Music Theatre department, and has run his own studio for 21 years.
He has also been variously involved as music director, conductor, pianist and arranger with over 50 theatrical productions, including The Lion King, Phantom of the Opera, Ragtime and Showboat.