Belonging, Learning, Connecting in Grace


The sacrament of Holy Communion recalls the meals Jesus shared with his disciples and in particular the Last Supper on the night before his death.

As Christians, we share this meal on the first Sunday of each month (and some special occasions). The broken bread and poured juice have become symbols to remind us of the crucified and risen Christ. When we receive the bread and cup we share in community with God’s people throughout the ages and around the world.


In the United Church of Canada all people are welcome to celebrate this Sacrament. We practise open communion where everyone, including the smallest children, is welcome at God’s table. After the invitation has been spoken, all who are able, come to the front of the church and receive communion from the servers. If you are unable to come forward to receive communion a server will come to you in your seat.

Each person takes a cube of bread and a cup of juice. Do not feel rushed; take your time, as this is a sacred moment in worship. An appropriate response upon receiving the elements is Amen. All Elements are gluten free.