Belonging, Learning, Connecting in Grace

Support the Work of Grace United Church

If you would like to support the work of Grace, you may donate by one of the methods below.

We appreciate your support.

Offering Envelopes

You can request to have a set of Offering Envelopes issued to you.   

Please visit the Welcome Table on Sunday morning and complete the yellow for or contact the church office to set this up.


You can request to have a PAR (Pre-Authorized Remittance) account set up for you. This system sets up an amount to be withdrawn from your Bank account on or about the 20th of each month as a donation to the church.

This is our most popular donation method.

Please visit the Welcome Table on Sunday or morning or contact the church office at 905-335-0090 to set this up.

By E-Transfer

  • Add Grace United Church as a new recipient, as the to email address
  • If required please use: security question Church and Security answer Grace for the first time you make a donation.

If you would like your donation directed to a certain program (e.g. Outreach or Mission and Service) please indicate this in the message line.

If you are not a regular giver to Grace and would like a tax receipt issued for your donation of $20 or more please leave your mailing information on the memo line.


You may also wish to donate online, we invite you to use our page on CanadaHelps.

Click the link below to make an online electronic donation.

Your tax receipt will be issued by CanadaHelps.

In Person or by Mail

If you worship with us in person on a Sunday morning you will find donation envelopes and  box in the Worship space.

If you wish to support us by sending a cheque, please send it to:

Grace United Church
2111 Walkers Line,
Burlington, ON
L7M 0Z2

Please note Tax Receipts will be created for donations over $20.