Belonging, Learning, Connecting in Grace

Sunday Service

 Welcome to Worship – You are invited!

Who are we

Grace United Church came into existence in 2019 with the amalgamation of the former Nelson, St. Stephen and Tansley United Churches and was formalised by The United Church of Canada in April of 2020.  Together we are stronger with our Guiding Principles of Belonging, Learning and Connecting.  We would love to connect with you.

About our Services:

Grace United Church offers services in-person and online at 10:00 am each Sunday. To watch our service remotely visit the Grace United Church YouTube channel. This channel also has all of our past services available for viewing.

We also offer special services during special seasons of the Church Year.

Why worship?  Worship is essential for a healthy life and a healthy outlook on life.  As the saying goes, “we are what we worship.”  If we worship things that are temporary, instead of eternal, we will eventually be disappointed.  On the other hand, to worship God is to receive the blessings of hope, life, and love so that we may in return be grateful stewards of that gift to ourselves, to our families and to our communities.

Grace’s rationale for worship can be summed up in the following story.   A man once asked Jesus, “What do I have to do to receive those things that are eternal?”  Jesus answered, “Worship the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, strength and mind, and do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” (Matthew 22: 37)  The man asked a question and received an answer.  We too need to bring our questions to worship as we struggle to understand and live in an ever- increasing secular milieu.

During worship we offer praise and thanksgiving as we join the great quest of life. We hope you will join us along this journey of life. Following worship we hope you will stay as we gather to enjoy fellowship and a cup of coffee.  Tea and juice are also provided.

Sunday Morning Worship at Grace United Church is what most would call “traditional”, with a modern twist.  The format changes week to week, but the basic elements remain the same.

Children are invited to join with us in worship.  Grace Space provides them with some quiet activities during worship time.

Communion is served on the first Sunday of the month and everyone is invited to Christ’s table to partake in the sacraments. We celebrate with gluten free bread and grape juice.

Again, we hope you will join Grace United Church in worship.  You are welcome!