Belonging, Learning, Connecting in Grace

W4 – Women’s Group

W4 is a vibrant group for all who identify as women, especially women who worship at Grace United Church. 

This unique group of Grace women is referred to as “W” to the Power of Four: Women Who Worship and Work = “W4”.  However, we do remain under the umbrella of the wider United Church Women (UCW) where we are “united in expressing our devotion to Jesus Christ in Christian witness, study, fellowship, and service”.

We usually meet in the Narthex at the back of the sanctuary and usually on the second Tuesday of the month. 

 To learn more look for someone wearing this button on their lanyard on Sunday morning

Our upcoming schedule is:

February Meeting – has been cancelled

 March 11, 2025 – Movie Night.  The movie and location will be determined closer to the date.  Following the movie we usually meet for dessert and a treat at a local eatery.  Time will depend on the movie that is chosen.

April 8, 2025 – 7:00 – a study of Lent and the Passion leading to Easter will be held in the narthex.

May 13, 2025 – 2:00 pm – Weather permitting an outdoor walk is being planned either at the RBG (Lilac Dell) or Crawford Lake Boardwalk.  Watch for more details in GraceLine.

June 11, 2025 – A dessert potluck celebration is planned.  You are invited to bring a small plate of goodies to share with the group for a time of fun and fellowship.

Programming for the fall of 2025 will be determined over the summer. 

We would love to see you there.