Belonging, Learning, Connecting in Grace

Prayer Shawls Ministry


As we move through life there are many times when we need a hug from loved ones.  But sometimes that hug is not possible.  Grace has a ministry that offers support during times like these.

Members of Grace United Church’s Prayer Shawl Ministry knit or crochet shawls that are made and interwoven with prayer and blessed by the Prayer Shawl Ministry members and by our congregation. The shawls are then made available to those in the church and community in need of comfort or healing, as a form of joy.

Shawls are also given to Grace’s newly baptized children, and to couples newly wed.

To request a shawl, chemo cap, baby blanket or lap rug please contact the church office

Do you like to knit or crochet? Would you like to learn?  Are you looking for a way you can contribute to the comfort and care of God’s family?

Whenever there are three or more knitters we meet at the church the first Monday of the month at 10:00 am. We pray together, knit in silence and then continue with some conversation.

If you would like to join our informal group, please contact  us at or contact the church office, 905 335 0090.

The History of Prayer Shawls at Grace

Prayer shawls are known the world over, and come in many forms. It seems that the first Christian, formal prayer shawl ministry began in Hartford Connecticut in 1998. Since then, the practice has spread far and wide, bringing comfort to thousands. The Prayer Shawl Ministry is a charter group of Grace United Church.

The ministry had its beginning in one of our legacy congregations when the minister, shared being moved by being part of a spontaneous prayer shawl presentation at a meeting. The presentation followed the news the recipient’s had been seriously injured in an accident. The idea resonated and a Prayer Shawl Ministry was born in the fall of 2007.

In the spring of 2008 35 shawls had been crafted and were blessed. Some shawls were knit and some were crocheted. Since that time approximately 1,000 shawls have been created, blessed and distributed.

There were donations of yarn made in the early days and while shawls are given freely (there is no cost to the giver or the recipient) the group frequently is offered financial donations towards the purchase of more yarn. As this is an on-going ministry of the congregation there is now also financial support requested annually through the budget process.

The membership of the group has changed over the years and some of the original members still participate. The monthly gatherings are a time of knitting, crocheting, conversation and prayer. Our scope of providing comfort has grown and we now also make chemo caps, and lap blankets, hats and mitts and scarves and pocket prayers (mini shawls). We have donated comfort items to the neo-natal department at a local hospital, hats and mitts throughout the communities of Hamilton and Halton, hats to migrant workers, and shawls to the community of Whale Cove, a fly-in First Nation.

Items are given any time and for any reason: in friendship, in times of celebration (weddings and baptisms), grief or hardship.

We are blessed to have this ministry at Grace.